--- Philippe Salama <karebacnyc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > I am new to these things. I have the command line prompt now, to postgresql on windows. I also > have a free admin program. Do I simply RUN THE sql script to create the celko test tables. The script that I made is from the postgresql pg_dump program. It created a dump of a database that I was using for my celko book. If you run the script it will restore the database I created into your postgresql cluster. The following link gives some examples how you can restore this dumpfile into your database cluster. http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/interactive/app-pgdump.html#PG-DUMP-EXAMPLES If you are not sure how to use pg_dump you can read the rest of the document or you can run "pg_dump.exe --help" from your command line. Also, other people on the postgresql mailing list can benifit from our discussion. In addition to this, there are others on the list that might have better answers than the ones that I give. So it is important that you always send your emails to the mailing list. The easiest way to do this is to reply-all when you respond to emails from the list. Regards, Richard Broersma Jr.