Re: Create table/view/index hanging following server crash

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Kim <kim@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> In looking around the catalogs to try and see any more clues, I took a 
> look at pg_namespace. There were temp table namespaces listed there, 
> however there should be no temp tables on the system right now at all. 

This is normal.

> Is there a clean way to clear those temp namespaces out?

Don't worry about them, they'll be cleaned out on re-use.  What you need
to find is the system catalog corruption that is causing memory bloat
during a CREATE TABLE.  Does a SELECT * FROM pg_class show any problem?
How about pg_attribute and pg_type?  If plain SELECT is OK then the
issue is likely index corruption, which you could fix with REINDEX.

			regards, tom lane

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