Admins; this is (I assume) a not uncommon scenario). Suppose you are managing a BIG ugly DB that's in 24x7 production and desperately in need of constraints of all types. (Of course, you inherited this piece of crap and the irresponsible designers are long gone :-) You have verified that the application now honors the new constraints because on your R&D DBs, the constraints are in place and no constraint violations are occuring. You can't however get business to sign off on proper constraint addition via ALTER TABLE because the tables are huge and this locks out concurrent activity for several hours. My question; Have any of you setup the constraints by doing manual catalog updates and later (or maybe never), gone back and cleaned up the non-conforming data using small batch updates or deletes? Frobing of pg_constraint and pg_depend (at least) would be required. I'm wondering what non-obvious pitfalls exist here? Comments? -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jerry Sievers 305 854-3001 (home) Production Database Administrator 305 321-1144 (mobil WWW E-Commerce Consultant