It sure does, i saw PGCLUSTER, but 3 reasons for having a postgres specific solution.
1) If pgcluster stops further development, it would be lot more hassel when upgrading to a different version of postgres.
2) Postgres specific solution would help alot going ahead in future.
3) Also architecture of pgcluster might make things slower as it updates complete cluster before confirming the request.
There are lots of them available in market, but i think WAL solution should be available, if not then the thought process should be there going ahead. I am expecting a solution out of WAL logs. Let me know if you have any thoughts about it.
Moiz Kothari
On 10/30/06, Shoaib Mir <shoaibmir@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There is this project which actually is not released yet, but something that you want to achieve :)
Shoaib Mir
EnterpriseDB ( 10/30/06, Ben Suffolk < ben@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:> Guys,---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> I have been thinking about this and wanted to see if it can be
> achived. I wanted to make a 100% failover solution for my postgres
> databases. The first thing that comes to my mind is doing it using
> WAL logs. Am attaching the diagram for which i will write more here.
While its not the solution you were looking at, have you seen
PGCluser :-
I have not tried it, but was looking the other week at various fail-
over type solutions and came across it. It seems to be able to do
what you want.
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not