Hi all, I want to use postgres, combined with postgis, in a high available configuration to store spatial data. I will have tens of millions, or even more, of datasets in the database. so the database will be fairly large and consume a lot of disk space. Therefore I thought to have a shared storage. the HA postgres Howto states following possibilities: - backup/restore with pg_dump/pg_restore (the process took, with a test database on a fairly fast computer, about one or two days, way too long) - rsync, but I doubt that this will work in my case - rserv, replication script the most promising, in an active/passvie HA configuration seems to be the rserv script. Unfortunately there was not much info about it in the HOWTO. furthermore I found LifeKeeper, a commercial monitor to use with Postgresql in a HA environment. http://www.openminds.co.uk/high_availability_solutions/databases/postgresql.htm something I thought that might work: is there sth. that will repair an inconsisten postgresql datastore? e.g. the master database died, the slave will mount the storage, then repair it in a reasonable time, and then start to work. I assume having postgres running in a shared storage environment, with a are there any other possibilities that might work that I am not aware of? anybody has experiences with postgres in a HA environment with shared storage? any hint is greatly appreciated kind regards Sebastian