Only create one user to your aplications and give to her rights to acess your database
You can change the password of postgresql user
In your linux distro type:
su - postgres
psql -U postgres
in the prompt of postgres type:
# alter user postgres with password 'your new password';
After this your password of user postgres are change.
Create an user to your aplications and give this to all users.
Don´t forget of rights (INSERT,SELECT,UPDATE,DELETE) on your tables to this user.
Marcelo Costa
Executive Secretary of Education from Pará/Amazônia/Brazil
2006/9/22, Tom Lane <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
"Lane Van Ingen" <lvaningen@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> We created our PostgreSQL instance by compiling it from source, and the
> instance is working just fine. User postgres runs the service; we do not
> know what the password is, and we think it got created automatically by the
> compile / install process.
Are you sure it even *has* a password? In the default RPM installation,
user postgres is created without any password --- the only way to become
postgres is to su there from root, and if you've got root you hardly
need to crack into postgres.
regards, tom lane
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
Marcelo Costa