A PostgreSQL superuser, so yes user postgres will work just fine.
Sriram Dandapani wrote:
Do you mean that I login as say root and issue a vacuumdb (or do I login
as a postgres user with special privileges)
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane [mailto:tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2006 6:41 AM
To: Sriram Dandapani
Cc: pgsql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] transactoin id wraparound problem
"Sriram Dandapani" <sdandapani@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
I get error messages on the console that says
WARNING: database "xxx" must be vacuumed within 10094646 transactions
I shutdown, restart pg and issue a vacuumdb -f <database>
The shutdown/restart was a waste of typing, and -f doesn't really help
here either.
I still get messages saying database must be vacuumed and the
transaction count keeps decreasing.
I'll bet a nickel you did not run the vacuum as superuser. It has to be
done by a superuser to have permission to vacuum every table in the
database (including system catalogs).
regards, tom lane
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster