Hi all, I'm using PostgreSQL 7.4.7-6sarge2 (debian) Using the schema below, doing a pg_dump -Fc, delete all data, and a pg_restore -a, the sequence of inserting data isn't correct issuing an error. Could this be a bug? Notice that on schema, table periodo depends on tipo, but the sequence is table periodo, then table tipo and after table periodo is changed to reference tipo. My schema file: drop table periodo cascade ; drop table tipo cascade ; create table periodo ( "idPeriodo" serial not null, "idTipo" int4, designacao varchar(50), constraint pk_Periodo primary key ("idPeriodo") ) ; create table tipo ( "idTipo" serial not null, tipo varchar(5), designacao varchar(50), constraint pk_Tipo primary key ("idTipo") ) ; alter table periodo add constraint fk_tipo foreign key ("idTipo") references tipo ("idTipo") ; My data on tables: INSERT INTO tipo (tipo,designacao) VALUES ('T','Type'); INSERT INTO periodo ("idTipo",designacao) VALUES (1,'periodo'); Error: pg_restore: ERROR: insert or update on table "periodo" violates foreign key constraint "fk_tipo" DETAIL: Key (idTipo)=(1) is not present in table "tipo". Best regards, Luís Sousa