It takes 6 minutes to ingest the data with an empty
database and 25 minutes (wall time) if all the data is
already in the database.
The processing is done as follows:
1. Start transaction
2. check if message is in table 1 and if so delete
records from table 1(1 row),2(2 rows),3(30 rows),4(50
3. split the message and insert the date in table 1(1
row),2(2 rows),3(30 rows),4(50 rows)
4. end transaction
Put more inserts into a single transaction
I need some suggestions so that I can ingest the data
faster. with the same computer and disks. We are
running redhat 7.2 on the server and I am using the c
interface to write the data to the server.
What version of PostgreSQL?
Joshua D. Drake
Thanks for any help,
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
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