On 8/18/06, Karen Springer <karen.springer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi, I am curious what others out in the community are using as a front-end to Postgres. We are currently using Microsoft Access & Python CGI scripts. We would love to move away from Access, but haven't found an alternate that provides the same kind of rapid development of forms & reports. Our company loves to collect data so we have lots & lots of forms. There are only two of us & we have 7 servers plus 120 computers to maintain. Python has been great, but the CGI scripts take more time to develop & don't run as fast. What has worked we for others? Java? AJAX? PHP? Any suggestions would be much appreciated. We don't mind something with a learning curve. We use open source where we can (Fedora, Postgres, Bugzilla), but could probably talk management into spending money for a good solution.
Gedafe: http://isg.ee.ethz.ch/tools/gedafe/ I heard a new version is coming out this year. Regards, Rodrigo