Try (do not use ">" output stream redirection, but "-f" switch):
0 20 * * 5 /usr/pgsql/bin/pg_dump -F c database -f
0 20 * * 4 pg_dump -F c database -f /usr/backup/thurDATE06-3.pgdump
Or instead (if it will not work):
1. Put those commands into root crontab file (/var/spool/cron/root)
2. Instead raw putting the commands into crontab file, put them into
scripts and run for them the shell - for example:
0 20 * * 5 /bin/sh /home/scripts/
0 20 * * 4 /bin/sh /home/scripts//
Into /home/scripts/ You put line:
/usr/pgsql/bin/pg_dump -F c database -f /usr/backup/friDATE4.pgdump
Into /home/scripts// You put line:
pg_dump -F c database -f /usr/backup/thurDATE06-3.pgdump
Nirav Parikh wrote:
I am having problem backing up database from crontab, I got following
lines in crontab file
0 20 * * 5 /usr/pgsql/bin/pg_dump -F c database >
0 20 * * 4 pg_dump -F c database > /usr/backup/thurDATE06-3.pgdump
none of them works, I have given full permission to everyone in
/usr/backup directory
it creates the dump file but with 0 size - empty!
I have other commands in crontab which executes normally, also pg_dump
command works through command line.
does anyone what else I can check?
Regards*, *
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