I had the same problem last week. iconv cleaned up my dump file, but
removed characters I actually wanted (degree & micro symbols). I tried
changing the encoding to Latin1 in my pg_dumpall file. This did seem to
help some, though there was still a problem with some of the characters.
I finally ended up fixing the data. In our case I think the invalid
characters were created when we did transfers from Cadstar into Access &
then into Postgres. The characters were not true degree & micro UTF-8
characters, but junk that still looked ok in Access & Postgres 7.4.
JKapustik@xxxxxxx wrote:
Need Help. Need to upgrade our postgres 7.4 database to 8.1 in order to
upgrade our Lyris Listmanager from 8.1 to 9. I am running into
problems. I get invalid UTF-8 byte sequences. We are running Linux
RedHat AS3. The database dump is 4.5 Gig. I tried the command iconv -c
-f UTF-8 -t UTF-8 -o cleanfile postdump. It said 'file too large'.
Note, I used postgres 8.1 pg_dump command that is recommended.. Any
suggestions? Thanks, John
John Kapustik
Systems Administrator
Office (202) 822 7531
Cell (202) 285 5163
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