Hi Marco/all,
Thanks for the response. I've been running the same online-backup commands
for over a year and restores have always worked fine. I've never seen 'file
changed as we read it' though, before yesterday. The database is new to
the server, as of a week. So, I'm more inclined to think it's somehting
going on with the database instead of the command to do the backup. BTW, I
received the same message this morning. So, 2 days in a row (no pun
intended) on the same database and the same second number following the
databe number.
/bin/tar: /sqldata/Linux.pgsql/base/19473856/19524666: file changed as we
read it
psql -d DBN -c "SELECT pg_start_backup('somehting.backup');"
tar -zcvf /something.tar.gz /PGDATA/dir/*
psql -d DBN -c "SELECT pg_stop_backup();"
From: "Marco Bizzarri" <marco.bizzarri@xxxxxxxxx>
To: "Mr. Dan" <bitsandbytes88@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] On-line backup - /bin/tar: Error exit delayed from
previous errors
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 10:02:25 +0200
I think you should post the command you're using, as well as the
condition in which you're doing the tar: is the postgresql running or
IMHO, I would be *VERY* concerned about such a message.
On 8/2/06, Mr. Dan <bitsandbytes88@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
/bin/tar: /sqldata/Linux.pgsql/base/19473856/19524666: file changed as we
read it
I'm seeing that a file changed during the /bin/tar process. Is that
anything to be concerned about?
This is the first time this happened in a month. Does that mean I'm still
backed up in regards to that database? I'm using v810 here.
The tar file exists, so the tar file was created.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not
Marco Bizzarri