Hi, pg_stat_activity has some limitations however; if you use a lot of dynamically generated complex queries, you might stumble over the 255 character limit of current_query in pg_stat_activity, statement-strings longer than that are just cut off. You can get some more information if you need it, using the GNU debugger gdb: First you need to determine the PID of the PostgreSQL backend that's running your query - I usually use top for that, but pg_stat_activity does also give you that info (select procpid from pg_stat_activity ...). Once you have the PID, you start the GNU debugger with gdb [path_to_postgres] [pid] e.g. gdb /opt/pgsql/bin/postgres 551 Now issue the command printf "%s\n", debug_query_string to obtain the query string. To quit the debugger, just type "quit" and confirm - the backend will keep processing the query uninterrupted. Kind regards Markus