Hello friend, Well, I have not a tutorial at hand now, but i can say to you some tasks i remember, and these can make you spent a long time learning about how to do. I think that the tasks essentially you must to know are: - Install database - Configure the two most important files (pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf) - Install an know how to use psql - Install an IDE Tool - originally, PgAdmin - You can get a plus using PgAgent, to do jobs, etc... - Create a Database, set encoding char, etc... - Install a Procedural Language as PL/pgSQL - Create Tablespaces (8.0 or higher) (It´s more important know why use tablespaces before create them) - Database Roles and Privileges - Managing Databases - Client Authentication - Backup and restore - Monitoring Database activity - Monitoring disk usage three tips: 1) do not use vacuum all the time. schedule daily and weekly it. 2) learn about re-index 3) sometimes is better make a dump than vacuum and re-index. that´s all if you wish more, send another questions to my e-mail Hugs Nabil Sawaya