PostgreSQL does not consider a NULL value to be an equal value,
therefore it cannot be a duplicate.
If you must have a blank value in a column and need it to be unique,
you'd need to do something like an empty string, or a string/figure your
application will know is a null value that makes sense.
It's also the same on multi-column indexes - if one column is NULL-able,
the index won't be enforced against the null values.
"When an index is declared unique, multiple table rows with equal
indexed values will not be allowed. Null values are not considered
equal. A multicolumn unique index will only reject cases where all of
the indexed columns are equal in two rows."
Chris Hoover wrote:
I am having what appears to be a bug with unique indexes on 8.1.3.
I have created a new table.
create table payer_835 (
payer_id int8 not null default
nextval('payer_835_payer_id_seq'::regclass) primary key,
payer_name varchar(50) not null,
payer_trn03 varchar(10) not null,
payer_trn04 varchar(30),
sku_id int8 references skucode(sku_id) on delete
cascade on update cascade,
payer_billable boolean not null default true,
create_timestamp timestamp not null default now(),
last_mod_timestamp timestamp,
expire_timestamp timestamp
On this table, I have created a unique index on payer_trn03,
payer_trn04, and expire_timestamp. However, since the
expire_timestamp is normally null, the unique index does not appear to
be working. I have been able to enter two identical rows into this
Why is PostgreSQL not enforcing this index? This appears to be a
pretty major a bug? It would seem that you could have a unique index
across columns that might have a null in them.
Here is the data from the table:
COPY payer_835 (payer_id, payer_name, payer_trn03, payer_trn04,
sku_id, payer_billable, create_timestamp, last_mod_timestamp,
expire_timestamp) FROM stdin;
1 CAHABA GBA-AL PART B 1630103830 \N 1
t 2006-07-13 09:57: 52.834631 \N \N
2 FEP 123456789 00402 1 t 2006-07-10
10:56:23 \N \N
3 NC Medicaid 123123123 \N 1 t
2006-07-10 10:56:41 \N \N
4 CAHABA GBA-AL PART B 1630103830 \N 1
t 2006-07-11 16:13:43.808181 2006-07-12 10:09:46.066204 \N
Notice records 1 and 4 have identical data (as far as my unique index
is concerned), and the index it not complaining.
RHAS 4.0
PG 8.1.3 (from rpms)