Hi, On Thu, 2006-06-29 at 15:14 -0400, Chris Hoover wrote: > I'm not sure where to post requests for rpms so I'm posting here. Please use pgsqlrpms-general @ pgfoundry. org list: http://pgfoundry.org/mailman/listinfo/pgsqlrpms-general > Can the PostgreSQL rpm team please release rpms for 8.1.3/8.1.4 for > RHEL 2.1? We won't support RHEL 2.1. It is an old distro and has ancient libraries that may make recent PostgreSQL releases build hardly. However you can build your RPMs using the SRPMs supplied. Please do mail us if you need help in building RPMs. Regards, -- The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc. 1.503.667.4564 PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support Managed Services, Shared and Dedicated Hosting Co-Authors: plPHP, plPerlNG - http://www.commandprompt.com/