On 6/26/06, Tom Lane
<tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
"Chris Hoover" < revoohc@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> I turned on autovacuum on one of my database servers over the weekend. I
> have been looking at the logs trying to see what it is doing. However, all
> I see are lines like this:
> ,7674,,2006-06-26 16:31:37.650 EDT,,1,,,,LOG: autovacuum: processing
> database "postgres"
> Is there a way to tell if autovacuum is actually doing any work? As far as
> I can see, it is running, but has not done any work.
I think that's all you'll see at the default logging level. There are
per-table messages at DEBUG2 level ... which will enable a whole lot of
other chatter as well :-(
regards, tom lane