On Wed, 21 Jun 2006, Jeff Frost wrote:
Current limits are: 100000 page slots, 2000 relations, using 713 KB.
NOTICE: number of page slots needed (102608) exceeds max_fsm_pages
HINT: Consider increasing the configuration parameter "max_fsm_pages" to a
value over 102608.
Unfortunately my screen back buffer didn't have the other vacuum verbose
outputs, so I had to pull the warnings out of the log file.
So, I set it to 3366499. I came up with this number by:
select sum(relpages) from pg_class where relkind in ('r','t');
and adding that up for all the DBs (there is just the one plus postgres and
template1 and now I get th efollowing, so it appears this was actually a good
CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.00 sec.
INFO: free space map contains 3339998 pages in 125 relations
DETAIL: A total of 3341600 page slots are in use (including overhead).
3341600 page slots are required to track all free space.
Current limits are: 3366499 page slots, 2000 relations, using 19853 KB.
So then the question is..why was vacuum suggesting such low settings
Jeff Frost, Owner <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Frost Consulting, LLC http://www.frostconsultingllc.com/
Phone: 650-780-7908 FAX: 650-649-1954