Hi, Simple question, which is probably something obvious I'm missing. If anyone can tell me better how to do what I'm doing, go for it! This is for a billing system, and I want PostgreSQL to generate unique reference numbers for each invoice that is something more meaningful than 1, 2, 3 etc. So, what I'm trying to do is use a primary key to generate invoice numbers such as "INV0000001", "INV0000002" etc. Obviously a sequence generates the increments, but when I try formatting it, it adds a space at the beginning of the number. Here's the "default value" for the primary key field: (('INV'::text || to_char((nextval('customer_customer_id_seq'::regclass))::integer, '0000000'::text)))::character varying However what I end up with is: "INV 0000012" If I take the "INV" portion out, and simply try and format the sequence generated, I still get the space added: " 0000013" (to_char((nextval('customer_customer_id_seq'::regclass))::integer, '0000000'::text))::character varying The field is defined as a varchar(10), which allows the 3-digit "INV", and 7 numeric digits. I have tried defining it as char(10) but still get the same. This is on PostgreSQL 8.1.4, Windows XP. Thanks Andy