pg_dumpall 8.1.4 large objects error

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I'm curious why this would happen:

pg_dump: dumpBlobs(): could not open large object: ERROR: inv_open: large object 145391 not found
The db being dumped is 7.3.2 and the pg_dumpall is from a source compiled 
8.1.4.  The OS in question is Redhat 8 (soon to be upgraded).  When I used the 
7.3.2 pg_dump -b, everything dumped out ok, but using the 8.1.4 pg_dumpall 
which is supposed to properly handle large objects, I received this error. 
Note, there's only the single error above, and I still ended up with a 17gig 
bzipped file.  The 7.3.2 pg_dump yielded a 16gig file in custom format with 
default compression.
I need to get a reasonable dump so I can upgrade this ancient system.  Should 
I upgrade to the most recent 7.3.x version before doing the dump to have the 
most reasonable chance of success?
Jeff Frost, Owner 	<jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Frost Consulting, LLC
Phone: 650-780-7908	FAX: 650-649-1954

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