Hey Again
Thanks for the input. but what I am wanting to check for is CRC
errors and block errors. The backups are written to tape and I would
like a way to verify the data on the tape as compared to the data on the
server. I may be way off here but I just want to be sure I am getting
reliable backups.
Scott Marlowe wrote:
On Thu, 2006-06-01 at 10:15, John R. Allgood wrote:
I have a question regarding backups on Postgresql 7.4.7-2. We are
currently using a Progress database and will be moving over to Postgres
this month. In Progress there is a way to verify your backups does
Postgres have anything similiar or is there other ways to accompplish
this. I am currently writing backup and other utility scripts and would
like to incorporate this into my program.
I wrapped my backup in a bash script, and that seems to catch errors.
something like:
if !(
/data01/pg/bin/pg_dump dbname > dbname.sql
cat "backup failed"|mail -s "backup failed" yourname@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
To test this, I corrupted a table in a test database to force a hard
failure, and it sent an email. Don't know if it's a comprehensive test,
but it seems to work for us.
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All I can think of is a platter of organic PRUNE CRISPS being trampled
by an army of swarthy, Italian LOUNGE SINGERS ...