Ah, fair enough, table spaces are definitely the way to go then. I did use it about a year ago to put one database on a different physical drive, but I haven't used it for ages so cannot remember how to set it up. Andy Aaron Bono wrote: > I think the tablespace option will work best - I will check it out. I > do not give the users control of the database since I do the > development, I just need a way to allocate the space and charge for > space used. Since cPanel monitors user space, I don't want to rely on > having to query the database to get size information - I would have to > put together separate scripts to watch space usage which I would > rather not do. > > Thanks for the help! > > -Aaron > > On 5/30/06, *Andy Shellam* <andy.shellam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > <mailto:andy.shellam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > wrote: > > Hi Aaron > > > > I believe you could probably do this best with table spaces. > You'll have to look it up in the documentation as I haven't done > it for a while. > > You symlink a directory under <pgdata>/pg_tblspc to another > physical directory (eg. Your user's home/db directory), then when > you create the database, set its default table space to which > directory you create. > > > > There is a downside in that the user could create a new table and > override the table space to that of another user. > > > > You could always query the system catalogues for the usage for > each user's database and add that to the physical size of their > home directory? > > > > Regards, > > > > Andy > > > !DSPAM:14,447c6d25256841812113538!