Ok After reading this mail i too went to check out pg_clog and noticed that there were 368 file dating back to the day we had installed postgresql and occuping 92 MB od space.
So i decided to vacuum the postgres and template1 databases since the other databases are database - wide vacuumed daily.
vacuuming postgres database did not do any good so went to template1 . On completion found that the files had reduced to 109 number and size of pg_clog was 27 MB now.
But still these were too many files hence decide to peform vacuum freeze on template1 and postgres databases. on finishing .. checked the pg_clog dir and found that there was just one file there
drwx------ 10 postgres wheel 632 2006-05-25 23:15 ..
drwx------ 2 postgres wheel 72 2006-05-25 23:20 .
-rw------- 1 postgres wheel 172032 2006-05-25 23:35 016C
drwx------ 2 postgres wheel 72 2006-05-25 23:20 .
-rw------- 1 postgres wheel 172032 2006-05-25 23:35 016C
and if i am not mistaken this is the only file that the postgres is using at this time.
also age went down to
postgres=# SELECT datname, age(datfrozenxid) FROM pg_database;
datname | age
postgres | 73
template1 | 128
template0 | 382360894
datname | age
postgres | 73
template1 | 128
template0 | 382360894
thanks for the info in the email thread.
On 5/26/06, Alvaro Herrera <alvherre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Benjamin Krajmalnik wrote:
> I just ran both VACUUM ANALYZE and VACUUM on all of the databases (the
> project database and the database created for the default user).
> All of the commit logs are still there.
Did you vacuum the template1 (and possibly postgres) databases as well?
> Do they get cleared only by VACUUM FULL?
No, VACUUM suffices.
> On another subject, is there a query I can run to find out who the owner
> of a filenode is?
Sure -- pg_class.relowner from pg_class where relfilenode = ' ... '
Alvaro Herrera http://www.CommandPrompt.com/
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support
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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not
Gourish Singbal