\c dbname
and if you want to get rid of the asking password thing you can change your authentication method from 'md5' to 'trust' in your pg_hba.conf file and then reload the settings using "pg_ctl reload"
On 5/23/06, Tahir Tamba <tamba.tahir@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Guys,
I install Postgres 8.1.3 on WinXP Pro OS using msi.exe. Using Postgres with PGAdmin III, everything works well. But when I'm trying to use the psql terminal interface to connect into my database psql ask me to enter my password and when trying to enter my password, nothing happens from my keyboard.
Exemple : postgres=# \connectdb postgres
Password for postgres user: unable to type my password cursor doesn't work
And when I press Enter tab I get the following error:
"FATAL: password authentication failed for user Postgres
who can help me to solve this
Tahir Tamba
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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster