Jim, This exact e-mail was also raised a few weeks ago! I advised Rocky to check the host server, and as it turned out, it's PG data partition was 100% full! I believe Rocky was covering for a system admin temporarily, hence the fact it wasn't picked up sooner. I don't know what happened since - whether he got it sorted. Regards Andy Jim C. Nasby wrote: On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 10:09:25AM -0500, Xu, Xiaoyi (Rocky) FSM wrote:Hi, My database users are getting following error: ODBC-call failed Error while executing query Error: ItsWriteBlock: failed to write block 1 of temporary file Perhaps out of disk space (#1) This happens in Access. Could anyone shed some light on this? Thank you.Does the command work if you run it from psql? |