Sorry, you need to run "secpol.msc" to check the local policy, NOT
"services.msc" - my mistake.
Andy Shellam wrote:
Make sure that the account under which you've installed it (i.e your
user account) has full Administrator priveledges on the machine -
otherwise you won't be able to assign the "Log on as service" right to
the postgres account - it might be worth checking if this is set
anyway - run services.msc and have a browse for the local policy "Log
on as a service". Your postgres service user should be added to it.
Jaime Casanova wrote:
On 5/13/06, Jeff Zhong <jeff.zhong@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I installing postgre SQL on Windowx XP
Product: PostgreSQL 8.1 -- Error 1920. Service 'PostgreSQL Database
8.1' (pgsql-8.1) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient
privileges to start system services.
I got this error when I try to install postgresql on windowx XP
i am using the installer version which is from:
The user account that the service is created by the installer. I
just wonder
why it cannot start the service with that account(postgres)
any hits are appreciated
the installation completes? if so, try to start the service by hand
and show the error (eventlog should have a description)
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