Your Windows user account information will
not be useful in Postgres. When you install it, it will ask you for
two accounts: 1 is the service account (the machine account
which Postgres runs under) The other is the PostgreSQL super user.
Until you set up other user accounts, you will only be able to use the
postgresql super-user you specify when you install Postgres. Then you do: Createdb –h localhost –U <PG
super-user> -W <dbname> The –U tells it to connect as that
username, -W tells it to prompt for the user’s password.
Andy From: System Consult
[mailto:systemconsult@xxxxxxxxx] this has been installed successfully. the new problem is C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.1\bin>createdb HtlMgmtDB afolorunsho is the user that signed on windows operating system. this
was the same person who installed the dbase, hence authorised user. i went
through the documentation and the explanation there are not specific. What have
i done wrong? what have i not done? any help will be appreciated pls. another question do i have to go through all these in order to install
on a client machine, especially where the only use for it is to connect through
a java application as a database.
On 09/05/06, Andy
Shellam <andy.shellam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
wrote: > however, now that i have installed not as
a service, how do i correct it? If this is a new installation and you've not loaded any data
yet, I'd say the easiest way would be to uninstall and re-install it again (it
would also give you chance to double-check where the data directory is for
reference, although you don't particularly need to know this (except maybe for
file-system-level backups.) >
since i intend to use this with java applications which are going to be
distributed, does one need to activate the server in order to access the
database too or one can access the database directly. All SQL transactions go through the PostgreSQL server – on
Windows this is using an ODBC / OLE DB driver. You will never be able to
read the data out of the flat files, so yes you need PostgreSQL to be running
to access it (hence the best approach is to leave the service to start
automatically, so if the server reboots, PostgreSQL will be already running
again.) All connections go through port 5432 (the default) so make
sure this is opened up on your firewall (on Windows 2003 R2 or XP SP2 don't
forget to check the Windows Firewall.) If your Java apps accessing PostgreSQL go through TCP/IP
(i.e. they sit on client machines on a LAN and talk back to the server), you
will need to edit your pg_hba.conf file (access through the Start menu >
Programs > PostgreSQL). And add a line like (under # IPv4…) host
database md5 Replace "user" with your Java apps connection user
(or you can set it to "all" to allow any user access) Replace "database" with the database name of your
app (or you can set it to "all" to allow any access to any database) Replace
with your network's IP range (or if you don't want to restrict to any
particular network, use
Md5 is the authentication method – you can set to
"trust" instead of md5 to allow any connection without a password
being required (this should be restricted to the localhost ( only, or at worst,
your local network for obvious security reasons). However md5 states that
a valid password must be required to connect. I believe you can use crypt
as well. Well done on choosing PostgreSQL! I'm sure when you get
up and running to know the system you'll be glad of the choice you made. Andy
From: System Consult [mailto: systemconsult@xxxxxxxxx]
thanks a
million for this enlightenment. however, now that i have installed not as a
service, how do i correct it? then, since i intend to use this with java
applications which are going to be distributed, does one need to activate the
server in order to access the database too or one can access the database
directly. thanks
upfront On
09/05/06, Andy Shellam <
andy.shellam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: You should ideally install it as a Windows service. You
can restrict access to the server using the pg_hba.conf to the local machine
only so other network machines cannot connect. The windows service means
that PostgreSQL can be controlled automatically at startup, rather than have to
be started manually. You define the data directory in the MSI installer (although
I believe this is my default under C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\Data.) To use the database, you need a management program, such as
PgAdmin III – this ships with the MSI installer, if you install this at the
same time as you install Postgres, it'll add a connection to PgAdmin for the
local server. The latest version manual can be found on the documentation
website – that'll give you any information you need regarding config files etc.
Andy From: pgsql-admin-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
On Behalf Of System Consult Im a new
user, having read so much about the database. i
installed the binary version successfuly on windows. I did not install as a
service, as all access have to be through the local host, via a program(java).
Now how do i create the database at a specified directory and start using
this. kind and
urgent assistance required