From: pgsql-admin-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Tom Lane
Sent: Mon 4/10/2006 7:19 PM
To: Bruce Momjian
Cc: andy.shellam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; 'Rajesh Kumar Mallah'; pgsql-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: FW: [ADMIN] Setting up of PITR system.
Bruce Momjian <pgman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Tom
Lane wrote:
>> It definitely is a pain in the neck that GNU tar
complains about files
>> changing underneath it --- I've looked for a
way to disable that, or at
>> least reduce it to a warning instead of
an error condition, but gtar
>> doesn't seem to have such a
switch. You should try alternative backup
>> tools such as cpio
or rsync.
> You mean the tar exits or that it just returns an error
code on
> completion?
I don't recall whether it finishes making the
tarball, but it definitely
returns nonzero exit status, which makes it
effectively unusable in any
automated script (you certainly don't want to
ignore exit status in a
backup script
regards, tom
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