On 3/29/06, Tom Arthurs <tarthurs@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Did you change this in your postgresql.conf:
listen_addresses = '*'
it defaults only to localhost
German Raul Hoyos Parravicino wrote:
> Hello Everydoy.. I need help....
> I have installed PostgreSQL in my LinuX -SUSE " postgresql-8.1.3.tar.gz"
> I start Postgre using "pg_ctl start -D/usr/local/database " After that
> I can connect PostgreSQL using psql DataBase.
> >psql DataBase
> ==>
> The problem occur when I tried to connect to the DataBase using
> Pg-Admin III . I have proved using "telnet IP 5432" and I get
> Connectio refused... I don't know what is wrong ?? I also modified the
> file pg_hba.conf , I write the IP of my PC, but nothing happend..
> Is it possible that there is another process in PostgreSQL that I have
> to start
> Thanks for your help !!!
> --
> Raul Hoyos Parravicino
Raul Hoyos Parravicino
Telf. 97936626
E-mail alternativo: rhoyosp@xxxxxxxx