Peter Eisentraut wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 2. März 2006 16:53 schrieb Olivier Boissard:
I would like to call an external "shell" script from a trigger.
I use actually pgplsh. It works fine but there is a lot of problem with
special characters.
Details please.
In addition I can not compile this language any more..
Details please.
Do you know others solutions to call an external script?
Is it possible with python ?
plperlu and plpythonu also work.
I created a trigger on a table that contains different log information.
This trigger launched a plsh function that execute a shell script to
print le new record a the table (with CUPS)
It worked fine but when I upgrated postgresql 7.4 -> 8.1 I was unable to
recompile properly pgplsh. So I copied old libraries and sql files from
a backup.
It works .
When I make a dump (pg_dump and psql ) the restoration fails because of
specific characters used in pgplsh. And I realized that there is poor
documentation on the web.
That is the reason why I consider now to change this system.
fn:Olivier Boissard
org:Cerene Services
adr:;;3 rue Archimede;La Chapelle Saint Luc;;10000;France