gbarosio@xxxxxxxxx (Guido Barosio) writes: > quote: " If you are quite sure it has few if any dead tuples, it might be > something to try to avoid VACUUMing except as needed to evade the 2^31 > transaction limit..." > You may use the pg_stattuple software, included in the /contrib . This will show you the current scenery, and whether you shall clean or not dead tuples. The trouble with pg_stattuple() is that running it is virtually as expensive as running the vacuum. For a bit table, you pay all the I/O cost, and any costs of the super-long-running-transaction and don't even get any cleanup for that cost. -- let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;; Philosophy is a game with objectives and no rules. Mathematics is a game with rules and no objectives.