Dominik Składanowski wrote:
Hello list,
Bradley Kieser wrote:
I would always use the latest stable release from the PG project for
four reasons:
a) Databases are notoriously difficult to upgrade once they are in [ ... ]
b) The dev team just keeps on making this wonderful DB better. Every
release is a gem and well worth having.
c) PG runs on RedHat no problems. Besides which, in the real world, if [ ... ]
d) Most importantly: You WILL be testing the new PG release in addition [ ... ]
Your arguments convinced me to use latest stable PostgreSQL database.
I use CentOS 4.x (as you know it is RHEL4 compatibile) and I have
successfuly installed PostgreSQL 8.1.2 from
Hope you are very happy with the decision.
And now, if I need PostgreSQL as a base for PHP aplication? Package
php-pgsql-4.3.9-3.9.rpm (distributed with CentOS/RHEL) will be works
with PostgreSQL 8.1.2?
I am not familiar with that particular RPM so can't comment,
unfortunately. But in general, I have found that all the php-pgsql rpms
work with the PG 8.x releases. I have not yet had any problems.
Maybe someone else on the list knows of any problems?
Beware thought, of older PHP4 releases as there was a fairly nasty bug
in the IMAP handling.
D o m i n i k S k ł a d a n o w s k i
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not