Hello, I have done a silent installation, the installation worked eventually, and I can use pgAdmin interface to connect to it. However I have problem using psql.exe to connect to the database. I need to create a database called delphie from command line. It should be a part of the installation I'm working on. I used the follwing commands psql.exe -U root but it keeps giving me: psql: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "root" root is the supper user and the password is also root, but not only the program does not prompt for password but also there is no way that I can supply a password through the command line. The ultimate goal is I need to create a database automatically without user interacation. I have a sql script that I need to run to create the tables. I have used Oracle without problems before but not sure how to approach with Postgres. Any help/tip is greatly appreciaged. Sean