If they are both up and running and reachable, then you likely just want to do
something as simple as:
pg_dumpall -h <old host> | psql -h <new host> template1
That's assuming you want to move all the DBs on the first server to the
NOTE: pg_dumpall cannot dump large objects. If you have these, you'll have to
use another method of migration.
Another good method if you want to limit downtime and have primary keys on
all your tables is to setup slony on both nodes, let the subscription get up
to date and then change roles and bring down the old server.
On Wed, 14 Dec 2005, Richard Bortolucci wrote:
What are the correct steps to move an database and from an server running
postgreslq 7.4.2 to another running 8.0.3?
Richard Bortolucci
Jeff Frost, Owner <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Frost Consulting, LLC http://www.frostconsultingllc.com/
Phone: 650-780-7908 FAX: 650-649-1954