I can notice:
< % %2005-11-28 07:31:10 EST>LOG: database system was not properly shut
down; automatic recovery in progress
down; automatic recovery in progress
At a first sight, you didn't shut down the database as expected. (pg_ctl stop -m smart/fast/immediate). Now I don't know if this is the root cause for that message, but a clean stop, and start should show you if this is related or not.
Just 2 cents, every little helps, best regards,
Guido Barosio
On 11/29/05, Dan The Man <bitsandbytes88@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I've been using postgresql v810 for a couple of weeks. I notice when I
start it up I get 'invalid lenth of startup packet' On a database that I
just initialized I get ' incomplete startup packet' after I first started
it. This never happened that I can see in 8.0.3.
Does any one know if that can be safely ignored?
< % %2005-11-28 07:31:10 EST>LOG: database system was interrupted at
2005-11-28 03:57:12 EST
< % %2005-11-28 07:31:10 EST>LOG: checkpoint record is at 13/89BD9728
< % %2005-11-28 07:31:10 EST>LOG: redo record is at 13/89BD9728; undo
record is at 0/0; shutdown FALSE
< % %2005-11-28 07:31:10 EST>LOG: next transaction ID: 81691647; next OID:
< % %2005-11-28 07:31:10 EST>LOG: next MultiXactId: 1; next
MultiXactOffset: 0
< % %2005-11-28 07:31:10 EST>LOG: database system was not properly shut
down; automatic recovery in progress
< % %2005-11-28 07:31:10 EST>LOG: record with zero length at 13/89BD9778
< % %2005-11-28 07:31:10 EST>LOG: redo is not required
< % %2005-11-28 07:31:10 EST>LOG: database system is ready
< % %2005-11-28 07:31:10 EST>LOG: transaction ID wrap limit is 1155432042,
limited by database "dan_test_bum"
<[unknown] %[unknown] %2005-11-28 09:03:07 EST>LOG: invalid length of
startup packet
< % %2005-11-28 09:43:37 EST>LOG: autovacuum: processing database
< % %2005-11-28 09:53:37 EST>LOG: autovacuum: processing data
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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