Performance questions are terrible to answer because we all use our systems in different ways. Here's my 2 bits for what they're worth. > The idea behind the first is to keep the > entire database in memory, by way of the disk cache. What you describe is a real-time system. Does your requirements call for real-time performance ? Remember that performance from memory is much more expensive than disk i/o (at least up to a certain point). > A web interface allows people to accept, or (usually) > discard the trapped messages. IMHO this means no real-time. > So, most data is write once, read at most once, delete. This is not exactly an optimum case for caching. I would suggest thinking really hard before going for an all memory solution. From what you write I would suggest a firm focus on disc i/o. But in the end the best person to ask really is yourself. How is the system loaded ? Is disk i/o maxed out ? Are the cpu's overload'ed ? Is it paging like cracy ? I suggest looking at your current bottleneck first. It's likely to be the most cost-efficient route out. Could also be some magic pg tunning tricks out there you've missed. Who knows. I spent two weeks on google and tuning last year with amazing results. Also remember that pg collects performance statistics. Those will help a lot in finding out what's really going on. This can also reveal where the database is being used inefficient by the application, missing index'es etc. At present I'm running a 130gig base on a 4gig mem four way 6650 with an external (fiber channel) raid 5 box. I admit the load is not that terrible or time sensitive (web self-service) but the performance is still pretty hot. The requests are very scattered so i/o is key. My cache benefit is mostly from the index's. Good luck in your quest for "bang per buck" ;-) Cheers, John ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly