Hello everybody,
I'm trying backup restore of DB with LO.
I backuped using as superuser :
pg_dump -d -o -F t -b -u database --file=database.tar
Because the superuser is not the DB owner, I create the DB on another
server (same os ans same version of PGSQL which is 7.4.8 ) :
CREATE DATABASE database with owner database_owner encoding='utf8';
Now, I'm trying to restore it to this second server using :
pg_restore -U dbadmin -O -x -v -o -d database database.tar
But I received :
pg_restore: restoring large object OID 2798405
pg_restore: restored 64069 large objects
pg_restore: creating COMMENT SCHEMA public
pg_restore: creating TABLE jpox_tables
pg_restore: restoring data for table "jpox_tables"
pg_restore: [tar archiver] could not find header for file 99.dat in tar
What is the good way to backup/restore db with LO ?
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