This sounds more and more like a good idea. I don't think there's any
need to maintain across dump/reload and / or database restart either.
The DBA can elect to keep or discard stats data across DB restart,
in fact I think the default value for this GUC var was set to true
for the 8.1 release.
I thought we were discussing a theoretical / not yet in existence GUC
I assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that you were talking about
maintaining the data in the theoretical / not yet in existence
autovacuum stats table through database restart, the stats system
already has a GUC var that dictates whether or not it dumps it's
data upon DB restart.
AFAIK, a restart does not affect the VACUUMed-ness of anything.
Keeping these (currently nonexistent autovacuum) stats across
restarts would be helpful if stats_reset_on_server_start=on.
Unless I misunderstand, if stats_reset_on_server_start=off, these
(currently nonexistent autovacuum) stats would only be relevant for
autovacuum's VACUUM activity and not it's ANALYZE activity. In which
case, it seems ideal to keep autovacuum VACUUM stats regardless of
the GUC setting, while autovacuum ANALYZE stats should follow it.
But if the ideal is impractical, making both ANALYZE and VACUUM stats
follow the GUC would still be real nice.
- Jeff
Jeff Bohmer
VisionLink, Inc.
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