I just tried to install 8.1 from the rpms provided on the postgresql.org mirrors.
I had 8.0 installed, and removed all the 8.0 rpms. I then blew
away my 8.0 cluster (playing with a test server, obviously). When
I recreated the directory for the cluster and tried to run initdb,
initdb abended with the following:
[postgres@editstapp1 ~]$ cd /usr/bin
[postgres@editstapp1 bin]$ ls postgres
[postgres@editstapp1 bin]$ ls initdb
[postgres@editstapp1 bin]$ /usr/bin/initdb --local=C /postgresql/50001
fgets failure: Success
The program "postgres" is needed by initdb but was not found in the
same directory as "/usr/bin/initdb".
Check your installation.
[postgres@editstapp1 bin]$
There were no errors on the rpm installs. All rpms except for the
python rpm were installed. Any idea what is going on here?
RHEL-AS-4 rpms installed from ftp10.us.postgresql.org mirror.
Thanks for any help.
This is a test install for an upgrade from 7.3.4 to the latest
version. Since 8.1 is out, we would like to upgrade all the way
to it. Does anyone see any issues/problems with this strategy
(assuming the initdb issue can be resolved)?