I am running Postgresql 7.4.7. on RedHat ES-64 version 4 on a
Dual-Opteron Dual Core system.
I am having problems with the pg_dump command due to improper
initialization of the Database cluster on RH ES 4.
The initial symptom was visible on execution of the command:
pg_dump mydatabase > /tmp/mydatabase.dump
pg_dump: SQL command failed
pg_dump: Error message from server: ERROR: relation "pg_user" does not
pg_dump: The command was: SELECT (SELECT usename FROM pg_user WHERE
usesysid = datdba) as dba, pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) as encoding,
datpath FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'mydatabase'
Hence I went into the mydatabase catalog and created that above
mentioned view, and now when I execute that query from within the
respective catalogs I get:
mydatabase=# select (select usename from pg_user where usesysid =
datdba) as dba, pg_encoding_to_char(encoding), datpath as encoding from
pg_database where datname = 'mydatabase';
dba | pg_encoding_to_char | encoding
postgres | SQL_ASCII |
(1 row)
When the database engine is calling this query from the pg_dump command,
I am assuming this is calling from the database that you are trying to
dump. However, the following result makes me question this.
psql -l which returns:
bash-3.00$ psql -l
ERROR: relation "pg_catalog.pg_user" does not exist
Hence this led me to try:
create view pg_catalog.pg_user as select pg_shadow.usename,
pg_shadow.usesysid, pg_shadow.usecreatedb, pg_shadow.usesuper,
pg_shadow.usecatupd, '********'::text as passwd, pg_shadow.valuntil,
pg_shadow.useconfig from pg_shadow;
ERROR: permission denied to create "pg_catalog.pg_user"
DETAIL: System catalog modifications are currently disallowed.
So my question now is how do I enable system catalog modifications.
Thanks in advance.
fred at satcomresources dot com
fn:Fred Pope
org:Satcom Resources LLC
adr:101 Eagle Road Building 7;;PO Box 1639;Avon;CO;81620;USA
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