I noticed recently that my PITR base backups were occassionally returning
non-zero, so I turned up the verbosity on rsync and it appears that
occassionally a file vanishes out from under rsync while it's doing the base
700 4% 52.58kB/s 0:00:00
16384 100% 1.12MB/s 0:00:00 (125, 71.4% of 1024)
file has vanished: "/usr/local/pgsql/data/base/1219609879/pg_internal.init"
sent 258563798 bytes received 1348515 bytes 2809862.84 bytes/sec
total size is 8273133704 speedup is 31.83
rsync warning: some files vanished before they could be transferred (code
24) at main.c(791)
PITR base backup rsync command failed!
Would it be ok to just exclude the pg_internal.init file since it disappeared
during the base backup?
Jeff Frost, Owner <jeff@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Frost Consulting, LLC http://www.frostconsultingllc.com/
Phone: 650-780-7908 FAX: 650-649-1954
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