Pgpool errors: pgpool 2.6.4 postgres 7.3.10 ProcessFrontendResponse: failed to read kind from frontend. fronend abnormally exited

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Pgpool errors: pgpool 2.6.4 postgres 7.3.10  ProcessFrontendResponse:
failed to read kind from frontend. fronend abnormally exited

I have set up the above versions of pgpool and posgres, running in
replication mode.

we are connecting via psql and quasar and every 5 or os connections
recives this error and drops the connection.
i am very fond of pgpool, and want to continue using it, i see in the
archives, somone else has noticed this error, but no fix seems to be

below find my pgpool.conf file

# host name or IP address to listen on: '*' for all, '' for no TCP/IP
listen_addresses = ''

# port number for pgpool
port = 9999

# Unix domain socket path. Debian package default to /var/run/postgresql!
socket_dir = '/tmp'

# host name where PostgreSQL server is running on. '' means localhost
using UNIX
# domain socket
backend_host_name = 'orderserver1'

# port number PostgreSQL server is running on.
backend_port = 5432

# Unix domain socket path for the backend. Debian package default to
backend_socket_dir = '/tmp'

# host name where secondary PostgreSQL server is running on. '' means
localhost using UNIX
# domain socket
secondary_backend_host_name = 'orderserver2'

# port number secondary PostgreSQL server is running on.
# 0 means no secondrary PostgreSQL
secondary_backend_port = 5432

# number of pre-forked child process
num_init_children = 32

# numer of connection pool allowed for a child process.
max_pool = 4

# if idle for this seconds, child exits. 0 means no timeout.
child_life_time = 300

# if idle for this seconds, connection to PostgreSQL closes. 0 means
# no timeout
connection_life_time = 0

# logging directory
logdir = '/opt/pgpool/log'

# replication mode
replication_mode = true

# set this to true if you want to avoid deadlock situation when
# replication enabled.
# there will be noticable performance degration, however.
# a work around is set this to false and insert /*STRICT*/ comment
# at the beginning of the SQL command.
replication_strict = true

# when replication_strict is set to false, there will be a chance for
# deadlocks. set this to non 0 (in milli seconds) to detect this
# situation and resolve the deadlock by aborting current session.
replication_timeout = 5000

# load balancing mode. i.e. all SELECT except in a transaction block
# are load balanced. This is ignored if replication_mode is false.
load_balance_mode = false

# load balance weight for master and secondary. actual weight is
# calculated by weight_master:weight_secondary. For example both
# weight_master = 10 and weight_secondary = 5
# weight_master = 4 and weight_secondary = 2
# are regarded as master has double the weight comparing with secondary.
# master and secondary have same weight in the default.
weight_master = 0.5
weight_secondary = 0.5

# if there's a data mismatch between master and secondary
# start degenration to stop replication mode
replication_stop_on_mismatch = false

# semicolon separated list of quries to be issued at the end of session

# if true print time stamp to each log line
print_timestamp = true

# if true, operate in master/slave mode
master_slave_mode = false

# if true, cache connection pool
connection_cache = true

# health check timeout. 0 means no timeout;
health_check_timeout = 20

# health check period. 0 means no health check
health_check_period = 5

# health check user
health_check_user = 'postgres'

# if true, automatically lock table with INSERT statement to keep SERIAL
# data consistency. /*INSERT LOCK*/ comment has the same effect.
# /NO INSERT LOCK*/ comment disables the effect.
insert_lock = false

- --
Kirby Ubben
Systems Engineer
McMurray Hatchery

1 515 832 1235 ext 201
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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