Alfredo Rico wrote:
Hi friends, greetings :-)
Please apologize by my bad english, I speak sapnish.
This question that I'll do could be a little difficult because I'm
award that it should be very especific, although I'm looking for a
first guide or directive in ordert to solve this dilemma.
I'm developing a Java-Web Software using PostgreSQL for a company in
which I work.
One of the requirements is, using whatever mechanism (external to my
Java-Web develop) to establish an
interaction/integration/communication from my PostgreSQL database
toward an Oracle Database already existents and in a production state
inside the company,
Look into DBI-Link by David Fetter. It requires Perl, DBI, DBD::Oracle
to make it work. That would give you real-time communication between
PostgreSQL and Oracle...
Another option would be to write a simple Perl client, using the NOTIFY
framework, etc. to create a replication solution.
Does that make sense?
Best Wishes,
Chris Travers
Metatron Technology Consulting
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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend