> Noticed in the documentation that the values for this > parameter can be found in wxs/pginst.wxs, but have not been > able to find this on either an installed platform or on the > source disk. You'll find it in the cvs source to the insaller on the pgfoundry page at http://cvs.pgfoundry.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/pginstaller/pginst/wxs/pgins t.wxs?rev= 8_0_4. You can find it with Orca as wlel, but that's going to be a lot more work. BTW, the list on the page should be up-to-date per 8.0.x. It's changed in 8.1. > So far, we have been using default install. I am assuming > default includes: > server > pgadmin > psql > QUESTION 1: Are my assumptions on the defaults ABOVE true for > Windows 8.0.1? > If not, > what else do I need? To see the defaults in any release, just start the installer in interactive mode. Whatever is enabled by default there will be enabled when you don't specify any ADDLOCAL parameter. > I want to be sure pl/pgsql is included, and want to add fuzzy > string match. > QUESTION 2: How do I add these? These are always installed, but not activated. To active pl/pgsql, set PL_PGSQL=1. This is enabled by default. To activate fuzzy string match, set FUZZYSTRMATCH=1. For a full list for 8.0.4, see http://cvs.pgfoundry.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/pginstaller/pginst/wxs/pgins t.wxs?rev= 8_0_4 //Magnus ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster