Nirav Parikh's cat, on 10/10/2005 7.30, walking on the keyboard wrote:
I am trying to write cronjob so it will backup database everynight on
another machine.
Currently is doing it on the same machine with this script.
20 13 * * * pg_dump -F c -f /root/database.pgdump database
How can I send it to different machine. Machine IP address is
You can use ssh to copy the dump file to another machine. Configuring
ssh to use ssh_agent you will not be required to insert a passwrod, thus
you can do it automatically. I guess there's also an option to specify
the password on the command line.
Is it possible to write pg_restore job ones it finishes dumping on that
I guess you can write a shell script that checks, periodically, if the
restore file has been copied, then restores it and delete the files
(thus to not restore it infinitely).
Luca Ferrari
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