On 07.10.2005 04:32, shailesh gavavthe wrote:
Am Shail,,Newbie to the group..
using postgreSQL 8.0..
Its working fine with the schema and tablespaces..
My question is..
How will you transfer the data i.e. tables, schemas of postgresql 8.0 from one server to the another server..
Is there any package comes with postgreSQL to import, export or transfer the data..
as far as i know,,i will have to create new table space, news schemas for every new installation, even if i have the similar structure on my other machine..
And i wanted to avoid that..
I need to use the same data for my another project, but to be on another server..
Ne help would be much appreciated..
Hannes Dorbath
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings