Hello, We have upgraded our PostgreSQL database version from
7.3.1 (Cygwin) under Windows 2000 server to v8.03 for windows. Now we dumped our database (app. size 6 GB) with
PgAdmin III with success. The problem now is that we can’t completely restore
our database with the dump file. The restore utility just stops when reaching a
certain point in the dump file. Please help us, we can’t afford loosing our
database with several years of work. Thanks in advance. /Dan Here is some info on the dump file: ; Archive created at Wed Aug 17 21:09:56 2005 ; dbname: a_db ; TOC Entries: 43 ; Compression: -1 ; Dump Version: 1.10-0 ; Format: CUSTOM ; Integer: 4 bytes ; Offset: 4 bytes ; Dumped from database
version: 7.3.1 ; Dumped by pg_dump version:
8.0.0 Error displayed when restoring. C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.0\pgAdmin
III\pg_restore.exe -i -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d a_db -a -t pictures
-v "D:\a_db.backup" pg_restore: connecting to database for restore pg_restore: restoring data for table " pictures" pg_restore: [custom archiver] error during file seek:
Invalid argument pg_restore: *** aborted because of error Process returned exit code 1. |