Hi sandhya, I really wonder if the function name is pg_field_type (res, col_no). The function name which returns the field type of a particular column is PQftype (res, col_no). This returns the field type as oid.The oid of the built-in data types can be found in src/include/catalog/pg_type.h
When using libpq API’s you need to include only “libpq-fe.h”.
Is pg_field_type (res, col_no) an abstraction over PQftype (res, col_no) in your case?
Regards, Siva Kumar.K
-----Original Message-----
Hi, I have one doubt,
Inorder to get the field type in a table i am using pg_field_type(res,col_no)
Col_no : Is the field no. for which i have to know the field type.
When i am using the above declaration, i am getting the error as, pg_field_type undeclared(First use this function)
What i have to include? I am unable to get.Pls Help me. I have included 'libpq-fe.h".Otherthan this what i should include. Pls help me in this regard,
Thanks&Regards, Sandhya R