Hi everyone, I'm sure there's an easy answer for this question, but I confess the situation puzzles me. I have database "example1." I have example1 owner user "user1." user1 is not a super user. I have superuser "su1." su1 creates table "lookatme" in example1. su1 now realizes that he wants to give control of table lookatme and a number of other tables (all of them) to user1, so he executes the following sql: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE example1 TO user1. user1 now executes the following sql: SELECT * FROM lookatme; The response is: ERROR: permission denied for relation lookatme Obviously, I can write a script to iterate through all the tables, but what exactly does "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE XXX" do if it doesn't even grant basic access? Any insight on the subject is welcome. Thanks, Andrew Gold